
I believe that expression is the most interesting and important aspect of the Arts.  As people, when we express emotions, we generally all follow the same path - if we are happy, we laugh; if we are sad, we cry. However, when it comes to visual art, we all express ourselves differently, and in a very individual way - there is no right or wrong way to express what you see before you. In many cases, we can combine on paper what we feel in our hearts and heads, as well as what we see before us. This is the reason I started going further with my own art, by not just producing a painting or visual representation, but by adding poetry to each expression I make to add a deeper level of understanding and connection for all those engaging with the works.

My artwork varies through mood. Some days are light and bright, hence the great spectrum of colour in my canvases. On other days, the left &logical side of my brain takes over and helps me produce watercolour and graphite images that hold great detail. This alone is a good example of how expression & emotions can change the overall effect of our artwork, and the way they can change how we portray images and words to others.

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